Thursday, October 30, 2014


Ed Snowden Taught Me To Smuggle Secrets Past Incredible Danger. Now I Teach You. - The Intercept - Late on...

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Trust in a Complex and Shifting World of Learning: Interview with Sonia Livingstone | HASTAC

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Ben Tremblay (@bentrem)
10/28/14 11:02 PM
@toughLoveforx @ddrrnt "Dialogic listening" fm earlier psy'therapy work involving active listening i.e. active attn.…

New Scientist (@newscientist)
10/29/14 6:49 AM
Even a killer plague or a global one-child policy won't save us from

That's an impossibly small target, but it shows where the real problem is. "Human behaviour is more important than human numbers," says Lutz. "It's not just the head count that matters, but what is inside the heads."

Peter Callstrom (@PeterACallstrom)
10/28/14 9:25 AM
Great panel on skills @steve_partridge @BraveNewTalent @LucianT @degreed #CloseItSummit@WellsFargo #HireVeterans

Stirling Newberry (@SSNewberry)
10/29/14 12:45 AM
@TheyKnowNotWhat @priyankaboghani check the list of who is running the military.

Daily Dot Politics (@DotPolitics)
10/28/14 3:57 PM
Verizon is launching a tech news site that bans stories on U.S. spying: by

Jeff Plaman (@jplaman)
10/29/14 6:19 AM
@Larryferlazzo: "HeatMap News" Is A Visually Engaging Current Events Site…” pretty cool for humanities

connect to kid doing milleneal crib sheet..?

Michael Ebeling (@MichaelEbeling)
10/29/14 6:57 AM
"designing networks that could influence how the Internet itself works" Now that's pretty…

The new clouds for scientists are the kind that store data on servers, as part of a trend known as cloud computing. Consumers use the commercial variety to store documents, photographs, and music. Researchers use those too, but they sometimes need more control over and information about cloud systems than host companies, such as Apple and Amazon, provide.
don't we all need that access.. ?

Advances in network architecture aim to deal with the problem. On Tuesday the nonprofit organization Internet2 announced developments that will let researchers create and connect to virtual spaces, within which they will be able to conduct research across disciplines and to experiment on the nature of the web.


“What this does is allow computer-science researchers to look at new ways of potentially designing networks that could influence how the Internet itself works,” said Richard Ricci, a research assistant professor at the University of Utah’s School of Computing.
if so.. open it...  no?

Internet2 provides a network for members, including more than 250 American colleges and universities, as well as corporations, research groups, and government agencies. The group also facilitates research by connecting campuses and transmitting large amounts of data at a faster speed than commercial networks offer. New software developed by the group partitions the Internet2 network into private slices, while two projects, CloudLab and Chameleon, provide frameworks for the creation of clouds connected by Internet2.

closed ...
won't cut it..
how is this good? how is it not unsmart.. today.

I thought that having plans was more important than making sure they were the right ones. - latest post via @zaktracy

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How Peer to Peer Communities will change the World – Interview with Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation  Meedabyte

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Timelapse Reveals How Efficient Oysters Are At Filtering Gross, Murky Water via @Digg

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The Titans of Modesty. They never put a ©®™ on any of it. @vgcerf & @timberners_lee

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"@lawatmargins: "We need to be sensitive to the fact that a large number of Black community cannot vote"- @BlackBrownVote 's @IfyIkeEsq"

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NewCitiesFoundation (@newcitiesfound)
10/29/14 10:14 PM
"There are only a few people in the world who are trying to do something different"

Saba Gul (@sabagl)
10/20/14 10:25 PM
Currently teaching myself to stop being a snoozer by reading things like… #snoozerslosers

social jetlag.” It’s a measurement not of sleep duration but of sleep timing

Wittmann have found that the chronic mismatch between biological and social sleep time comes at a high cost: alcohol, cigarette, and caffeine use increase—and each hour of social jetlag correlates with a roughly thirty-three per cent greater chance of obesity. “The practice of going to sleep and waking up at ‘unnatural’ times,” Roenneberg says, “could be the most prevalent high-risk behaviour in modern society.”

This Jessica Williams segment on catcalling is the perfect rejoinder to Michael Che

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posted on fb by carol
Something about the way we're raising children in the US is causing them to do this. What is it? Why is this happening? And why do we think that other cultures should follow in our footsteps? Not all kids who cut are abused; many come from nice, stable, middle-class families.

Kids who cut themselves are either jumping out of their skin and use self-injury to calm themselves down, or are numb and empty and use self-injury to feel something. A small percentage use it for avoidance, to create a distraction, and an even smaller percentage use it to get attention. Some, a very small group of kids, use it to punish themselves; kids who feel they don’t deserve to live, breathe or take up space may cut themselves, usually in the context of an extreme emotional situation.
Kids who self-injure tend to be particularly emotionally sensitive and vulnerable and suffer from what Dr. Hollander calls “emotional illiteracy.” They can’t name their feelings, let alone formulate a plan for managing and coping with them.